Category Archives: Fandom

Harry Potter news

Great little spoiler re: HP and the HBP [cut text=”Accio Snippet!”]

With something huge revealed about Lily Potter, the truth about why Dumbledore trusts Snape, and a little romance for Harry, this promises to be one of his best years at Hogwarts yet.


[Edit: may or may not be true]

I really need a clue

There are a great many things that I know very little about. I read where Snape is voicing a character played by Flitwick in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I still don’t know enough about HGTTG to know what that means. I don’t know anything about Wallace and Gromit, Lemony Snicket, and some other duo with odd names I can’t even remember. I know nothing about anime AT ALL, except this: yaoi isn’t a character, it’s a way of life. Heh.

Well shucks

I got a lovely package of DVDs from Todd today, but when I tried to play my DVDs, I found that they had been erased. I’m assuming that UPS used the wrong scanning device on them. Drats! Thanks for the thought, Todd. I’m imagining the movies in my head and they’re great!