Category Archives: General


There’s a meme going where you list 25 bands that you’ve seen perform in concert. I’ve seen two. One was Rob Base and the other was Ween. The former was in the (small) ballroom in the Mountainlair and the other was at the (very small) Nyabinghi Dance Hall.

I’m so not cool.

Crossfade Fun

On my drive to work, I often go into a zone where two or more radio stations compete for the same frequency. They start to overlap and drown out the others. This morning, it happened with hilarious, if disturbing results.

Station 1: Why choose Blue Ridge Funeral Home?….
Station 2: We cut large chunks into bite-size nuggets….


Bye Bye, Brit

I’ve defended Britney Spears all this time, and this is how she repays me?!? Having a reality show with her slimeball hubby and ugly-assed dogs?!? On UPN, at that?!? That’s IT. We’re through! :evileye:

Current Events

I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting anything in my Easter basket this year. Heh.

Alaska? Drill it. Drill it dry for all I care.

Shiavo? Let it go, already. No one wants to “live” like that.

Conspiracy theorists on the WP Board? *snerk* It’s like Fandom Wank…without the fandom.

WVU? Lost in OT. Shocker, I know. 🙄