Category Archives: General

Mad World, indeed

I first heard the song “Mad World” on the Donnie Darko soundtrack.  But seeing it used in two completely different vids (one “Lucas” from DAYS and the other, “Harry Potter”  POA)  has me feeling completely melancholy.  What a horrible song to find happiness in.  Mad World, indeed.

Hobbit Update

No, not The Hobbit movie, MY Hobbit. Thanks, you guys, for all the well-wishes. She is home and currently taking a nap in her own bed. She has plenty of medicine and everything appears to be just fine. We’ll blog more when she wakes up 😉

My favorite number

People who know me well know that my favorite numer is “6”.  If you ever hear me say, “I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10,” pick 6.  I now have an even bigger reason to love that number courtesy of Goldeneye.   006!!!
Weekend details will be blogged tomorrow.  Too much greatness to get into right away.