Category Archives: General

Shut up already!

Thanks to those more clever than I, I’ve now seen the Cameron Diaz video that’s making the rounds. All I really have to say (other than the “director” is the most annoying wannabe filmmaker in the history of film) is that if they were SOOOO worried about her top riding up, why didn’t they spring for a ONE PIECE outfit?!? I felt really bad for her since Mr. Wells kept yelling at her when her top rode up to expose a flash of flesh. Maybe if she hadn’t been posing for the jerk he would have been happier. Yay, Cameron for coming so far and leaving dirtbags like that guy in your dust.

[ETA–Lost, the new ABC show I’ll be watching in the Fall, as a snippet online. I was already going to watch because it has Dommeh in it, but why didn’t anyone tell me that Matthew Fox looks so damned good?!?]

Plan B is done

I finished my July Challenge vid. Well, the one I’ll enter if I don’t complete the vid I’m trying to make with Ulead. I really like the song selection (suggested by Mike) “Hey Man Nice Shot” by Filter. My heart is so not in it, which means I’ll win first place again…heh. Other than that, I’m just wasting away the days when I should be job hunting. Gawd, I hate job hunting. Pfft!

HP and the HBP

Book Six is titled Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Oh, I said to myself, I wonder if that’s referring to Harry or Voldemort… THEN comes final word that it’s neither. Daaaaamn. This is going to be good!