So um, Anduril has now become the broken sharded Narsil. I have no air conditioning *wah* Apparently, in what can only be described as a “once in a lifetime” thing, a gravel flew through the front grill, through another layer of metallic wall-type stuff, and into my air compressor. They’ll have the replacement hopefully by Tuesday. Ack! It’s in the 80s here…I…need…air! Oh, and since it was caused by external forces, it’s not covered under warranty. BUT, since I’ve had my car under three weeks and it’s so flukish, they’re covering it for me *whew*
Category Archives: General
Thanks to the wonderful girls over at Sean Bean Daily, I found out he was in a movie, The Big Empty, with Jon Favreau. His character is “The Cowboy” and that’s all I know so far…heh. I rented the DVD, copied it, and have yet to watch it, except to make one quick cap. At least I have plans for this Saturday night…heh!
I know, I know…
No, I’m not going to be one of “those people” but I had to post this pic of Hobbit:
Introducing Hobbit!!
Now this is something I thought I’d NEVER do:
I have a kitten!
She’s 6 weeks old, litter trained, and all mine thanks to Scott and Ashley!
Oops for the language, but HEH!