Category Archives: General

Quick note

Before I take a nap, er, um, I mean clean my apartment, I just have one thing to say. The TLC show While You Were Out is sooo bad. The host is annoying as can be, but Andrew, the carpenter, is jaw-droppingly attractive. That’s all

[Edit: Sad, sad news. Gregory Hines died yesterday. I always liked his performances.]

Rain..lots of it

I really wasn’t kidding about the rain here, but this is just ridiculous. My backyard/path to my car is a pond. I will be surprised shocked if it doesn’t flood my living room. *sigh*

Pretty good

I got tired of all the colors on my site, so I came up with a way to get rid of them (for now). I’m sure I’ll go right back to the carnival soon. Casablanca came out on DVD this week and I keep seeing the commercials for it. I suppose that’s why it’s stuck in my head. The song up there, which has nothing to do with the movie, gets stuck in my head occasionally, and this is one of those occasions. No big (or small) weekend plans, so if you want to, you can entertain me *g*