Category Archives: General

What a difference a phone call can make. I called my dad with a question about something, and it was going well. Just when I thought the conversation was over—BLAM! Any confidence I had in myself, gone. *poof* I know I don’t have a job. I know I have to get a job. Whether I get a job here, there, or Timbuktu doesn’t matter. Even if wasn’t moving in three days, I *still* don’t have a job here. I think I’ll just go be sad for a bit…

My “ten more minutes” of sleep this morning turned into 3 hours! At least I got my power and phone hook-ups. That is a huge relief. Oh, I got a prezzie from Dwayne’s trip…I’ll post a pic of it soon…*dances*


Wow…I am so sleepy. *Yawn* I shouldn’t be sleepy, as I’ve done nothing all day, but I am. I did call to see if someone would come get this piece o’ crap couch, but no one will. I’m going to try Habitat tomorrow…I’ve heard they may do it. I also still need to call and get my power turned on, so, Todd or Cole, if you see this, how ’bout shooting me the number for Duke Power. Nighty night

I *will* put on clothes today. I *will* put on clothes today. I *will*…… I have a lot to do today, so I’ll try to catch everyone later.