My icon making skills are minimal at best, but if anyone would like pretty decent caps from GOF, let me know here or email me at jenn @ zeromuch . com. Wheeee!
My icon making skills are minimal at best, but if anyone would like pretty decent caps from GOF, let me know here or email me at jenn @ zeromuch . com. Wheeee!
Went to see GOF with
Krum Krum Krum Krum Krum. *ovaries go boom*
Angry!Ron=teh hawt
Almost everyone did a great job in this one.
Oh, my gosh, the funny!
Congratulations to Coach Miller’s Kimball Terrors on an undefeated season and the county hoops championship! Yay, Scott!
This was the day in Middle Earth history that Boromir arrived at Rivendell, spawning some of my most favorite fanfic EVAR. Oh, and this is the day that I stand firm in my commitment to never watch a Bond film (other than the one with Sean Bean). This Craig guy is just blech. Such a disappointment.
The list of “cool-kid recommended” things I think suck grows:
Joss Whedon in general
Emma Watson
EW’s constipated face
Blahttlestar Galcraptica
More soon, I’m sure 🙁
I just can’t get into some of them, and others I’m just over. Sucks to be me, eh?