Category Archives: Movies

Wonka Once More!

I’m using my Wonka theme again. Why? Because Johnny Depp OWNED. I :love: :love: :love: the movie. The only negative part was the Oompa Loompas. The music (except for the Wonka theme) was gawdawful and I will fast forward through the songs upon subsequent viewing. Shameful, really. What a wasted opportunity.

Anyway, one thing I found a little disturbing was just how much I speak like Wonka. 😮 I’m going to have to rethink my speaking…

Oh, and I’ve admitted defeat. I’m buying a house here.

Fun: Not Fun

I didn’t get to watch Firefly (as I had intended) last night. It’s Joss, so I should like it. SG-1 and SGA are great–mainly because they’re just so fun to watch, though SGA is miles ahead of SG-1 right now. Blahttlestar Galcraptica? Takes itself WAAAAAY to seriously. That show gets worse with every accidental scene I see. I really don’t see the appeal. The actors look like they HATE being on the show and it’s just so dry. Ugh.

I’m going to see The Island sometime this weekend. Boromir and Obi-Wan….yum!

Top Ten

Taken from

List ten fictional characters you would have sex with.

1. Boromir, LOTR
2. Simon Adebisi, OZ
3. Anakin Skywalker, RotS
4. Eomer, LOTR
5. Richard Riddick, Pitch Black, TCoR
6. Sawyer, LOST
7. Korben Dallas, The Fifth Element
8. Kahega, Congo
9. Ducard, Batman Begins
10. Richard Sharpe, Sharpe Series

I know a couple of them are repeats, but that’s my list.