Category Archives: Movies

You, Sir!

sween.jpg You, Sir, should see Sweeney Todd. Yes, there is gore, but it’s more of a theatrical sort; not too bad. Oh, and yes, it sometimes feels like “Willy Scissorhands Sparrow”. There is, however, one sequence where Depp transcends everything he’s ever done and becomes the face of madness. The street sequence may possibly be my favorite scene of the year; hell, of the decade! I’m not normally one to swoon over him, but in that moment of crazed desire for vengeance, I can see the attraction.

Thanks, Flo, for dragging me to Beckley to see the movie. I’m thrilled that I did.

Seconds, anyone?   :smoke:


It’s a snowday! :cold: It’s also frigid out there. Not frigid, however is Lady Chatterley. Thanks to Jonas, my longest standing Amazon wishlist item is MINE! From the hundreds of screencaps I’ve seen of Sean Bean as Mellors, I can tell that it’s going to be amazing. I’m using the DVD as a reward for packing up the Christmas things and getting the kitchen back in order.

Thanks to Ben and Jesse, I am the extremely proud owner of the 2008 LOTR Wall Calendar, which now fetches $100 on the street. A three disc collection of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Summer Rental, and Foul Play makes the holiday complete.

Thanks, guys! :clap:

Times Change

stargate02.jpg There was a time when Friday meant Yippee!SGA. Now, I barely remember, “Oh, it’s Friday, SGA is on tonight.” Last night’s episode, “Girl Power” “Missing” is a good reason why. How long were the men in the ep? Four minutes? Maybe? I don’t like Dr. Keller. I don’t hate her, but she has no redeemable qualities. She’s just “there”. Carson, I cared about. This one, nope. Teyla’s pregnant. Ooh, wow. NOT. Unless it’s Ronon’s (it’s not), I’m not interested. Another thing–if you’re going to show any plot about the Athosians, let me see the only one we know, at least in a flashback. Otherwise, it’s a show about missing strangers, and really, who cares about strangers?

Ugly Betty was pretty good. Betty’s fired, but for how long? First half of next episode, I’d bet. Not that I care. Maybe I’m just a bit fussy because there was no Pushing Daisies this week. The Redneck Music Awards were on, and preempting PD with that dreck just made the week that much bleaker.

Next week is going to be cool. I have Monday off, and on Friday I’m going to to see and . I’ll get to meet Jonas for the first time, and we (the humans) are planning to see Beowulf! Hurrah!