- All I can eat chocolate chip pancakes with my @kq4q. Good morning! (@ Bob Evans Restaurant) http://t.co/bUWGpQdK #
- @EdCates Zzzzzzzz in reply to EdCates #
- I'm watching Olympics: Women's Gymnastics (2029 others checked-in) http://t.co/IfZ587QV #GetGlueHD @NBCOlympics #
- I unlocked the 2012 Summer Olympics Gymnastics sticker on #GetGlueHD @NBCOlympics http://t.co/WtMgMXy1 #
- I just ordered real copies of my stickers from @GetGlue http://t.co/iqBjnr7V #
- I still don't get ping pong as an Olympic sport. What's next? Bingo? #
- @kq4q Ha! That can be one of the first events. Doubles as grounds prep! in reply to kq4q #
- @EdCates Yeah, well, my grandmother could play a mean game of bingo back in the day, so maybe it's all good.
in reply to EdCates #
- I'm watching True Blood (5071 others checked-in) http://t.co/epOjpOS7 #GetGlueHD @TrueBloodHBO #
- I unlocked the True Blood: Bill sticker on #GetGlueHD #TrueBlood #Somebody http://t.co/62ykjqdb #
- I'm watching Pretty Little Liars (7164 others checked-in) http://t.co/O7XLFM58 #GetGlueHD @ABCFpll #
- I unlocked the Pretty Little Liars: Stolen Kisses sticker on #GetGlueHD http://t.co/GSB0plNW #
- I unlocked the Hollywood Intern sticker on #GetGlueHD @intel http://t.co/AjqLVkaq #
- I'm watching Olympics: Women's Gymnastics (2647 others checked-in) http://t.co/IfZ587QV #GetGlueHD @NBCOlympics #
- I'm watching Olympics: Men's Swimming (4552 others checked-in) http://t.co/O7oV6kmC #GetGlueHD #Olympics #
- I unlocked the 2012 Summer Olympics Swimming sticker on #GetGlueHD @NBCOlympics http://t.co/OWxTrc5O #
- There isn't much better than watching the #Olympics with @kq4q. Ok, there's a ton of better things, but they all still involve @kq4q.
- I'm at La Fiesta Mexican Grill w/ @kq4q http://t.co/xwQyzgnA #
- @RobinBuckland2 Have a wonderful birthday! Beach today? #
- Here again with @kq4q (@ Taste Of Memphis) http://t.co/RjkqTGyY #
- Gyros with @kq4q. Festival to follow. (@ Souvlaki) http://t.co/PMff43Li #
- Cold drinks (@ Rivermill Bar & Grill w/ @kq4q) http://t.co/Olg26uNS #
Category Archives: Personal
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-28
- Burgers on the way home with @kq4q
(@ Five Guys Burgers And Fries) http://t.co/6VvT3GeV #
- I just reached Level 2 of the "Flame Broiled" badge on @foursquare. Iโve checked in at 5 different burger joints! http://t.co/bAyjjcQe #
- I'm checking out @TweetLanes, a brand new Twitter app for Android. Looks pretty cool so far. http://t.co/YBe0p6oA #
- @mikeyd08 Agreed! It was our first time and I already wish there was one where we live #BFEsucks in reply to mikeyd08 #
- I'm watching True Blood (10401 others checked-in) http://t.co/epOjpOS7 @GetGlue @TrueBloodHBO #
- I unlocked the Hollywood Extra sticker on @GetGlue! @intel http://t.co/P72MLnpg #
- Bonus lunch with my @kq4q. Yum! (@ La Fiesta Mexican Grill) http://t.co/Cdxd0QcE #
- I just ousted @kq4q as the mayor of La Fiesta Mexican Grill on @foursquare! http://t.co/zOVyUoPj #
- I'm watching Bachelor Pad (1383 others checked-in) http://t.co/aelvv3c1 @GetGlue @BachelorPadABC #
- I unlocked the Bachelor Pad Season 3 Premiere sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/JiUIZZ2M #
- Here's hoping they kill Claudia this season! http://t.co/q4blZXu7 @GetGlue @warehouse13 #
- I unlocked the Warehouse 13 Season 4 Premiere sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/uUTyGWpS #
- I'm super excited to make cottage pie for @kq4q and myself tomorrow. I've read that you can't mess it up #HopeThatIsTrue #
- Switching to @directv has been painful. Instead of sending 20 helpful emails a day, how about you work on the crap receivers and signal? #
- Seriously, in six years with Dish, I lost signal twice due to rain. Even a light shower knocks @directv out. Poor performance all around. #
- Heh. Either it's raining, or they read my tweets. Out again! #
- I'm watching Pretty Little Liars (9676 others checked-in) http://t.co/O7XLFM58 @GetGlue @ABCFpll #
- I unlocked the Pretty Little Liars: Crazy sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/HrLLwmFH #
- Checking this out in a little bit http://t.co/gbTmv0Uq @GetGlue @CovertAffairs #
- A @directv rep just called and ended with, "Have a blessed day." I honestly can't take much more of their harassment. Seriously. Cultlike! #
- That call was about an hour after another call informing me that I had HBO, Showtime, Starz. Really, @directv? I would've never guessed. #
- Every new podcast from @TV_Zombies makes me as giddy as a kid at Christmas. #
- @bigbenalpha But it is the reason I started watching TWD, so WIN! in reply to bigbenalpha #
- I'm watching Absolutely Fabulous (1368 others checked-in) http://t.co/mvkADOXS @GetGlue #abfab #
- I unlocked the Absolutely Fabulous: 20th Anniversary Olympics Special sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/nhfwRFMh #
- @chrismlacy DM and notifications will make it my first choice. Great start! in reply to chrismlacy #
- Anniversary dinner with my @kq4q. Can't believe it's been a year already! <3 (@ Macados) http://t.co/JFDzsKtT #
- Movie time with @kq4q. One of my all-time favorites http://t.co/o794eWIB #GetGlueHD #HarlemNights #
- Can't wait to watch with @kq4q http://t.co/iK1J8Rif #GetGlueHD #2012SummerOlympicsOpeningCeremony #
- I unlocked the 2012 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony sticker on #GetGlueHD @NBCOlympics http://t.co/yS0NgSKg #
- I have never in my life wanted to go to London more than I do right now. #
- Spectacular #Olympics SPECTACULAR! #
- Watching the Opening Ceremony is like watching an excellent episode of #DoctorWho #
- Harry Potter's mom! #Olympics #
- Mary Poppins FTW #Olympics #
- Not the Mr. Bean I eou #
- *ahem* Not the Mr. Bean I would've preferred
- Dear Kraken, Stop messin' with me Twitter skills. Thanks, Me. #
- No, @kq4q, they are NOT going to play Rock the Kasbah at the #Olympics #
- This may be the best day of my life. #Olympics #
- I seriously thought they were going into Smack My Bitch Up at the #Olympics #
- Becks drives a boat!!! OMG! #Olympics #
- And now the #Olympics becomes It's A Small World. Yay! #
- Pet Shop Boys. YES!! #OLYMPICS #
- Finally checking out a cool pub with @kq4q (@ Castle's Kettle & Pub) http://t.co/leOHVs2q #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-22
- I'm watching Supernatural (2305 others checked-in) http://t.co/WYK1i5qF @GetGlue #Supernatural #
- I unlocked the Supernatural at Comic-Con 2012 sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/CpXGGoJM #
- I'm watching Fringe (2122 others checked-in) http://t.co/334iYrPx @GetGlue @FRINGEonFOX #
- @bigbenalpha http://t.co/0ggy8nWf #
- I'm watching True Blood (17031 others checked-in) http://t.co/nsYfxcdu @GetGlue @TrueBloodHBO #
- I unlocked the True Blood at Comic-Con 2012 sticker on @GetGlue! #SDCCTruebie http://t.co/4QqehFPp #
- What the hell *is* this? Are those intestines?!?
http://t.co/E7dKgulx # - It's hard to say goodbye
http://t.co/rwS5YmQM @GetGlue @_S_A_R_A_H_ #
- I unlocked the Eureka Series Finale sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/mELJmkSL #
- Facebook needs a damn pregnancy filter. No, I do not care about your baby's progress and I will never need to see pictures of your stomach. #
- After a disappointing trip to Lowe's, dinner with @kq4q. Yay! (@ Chili's Grill & Bar) http://t.co/WxrW8is6 #
- I'm watching Pretty Little Liars (9520 others checked-in) http://t.co/O7XLFM58 @GetGlue @ABCFpll #
- I unlocked the Pretty Little Liars: The Remains of the 'A' sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/jLpT5yHX #
- I'm watching Covert Affairs (3590 others checked-in) http://t.co/gbTmv0Uq @GetGlue @CovertAffairs #
- Giddy up with Mom. (@ Texas Steakhouse & Saloon w/ 2 others) http://t.co/0CwXa9Aq #
- @bigbenalpha I honestly couldn't be paid to go see it. Hated the last one so much I never finished watching it. I'll keep Thor warm instead in reply to bigbenalpha #
- I'm watching Big Brother (756 others checked-in) http://t.co/6KAs1bNq @GetGlue #CBSBigBrother #
- Lunch! Next stop: Dollywood! (@ Taco Bell w/ @kq4q) http://t.co/uE1jWGNz #
- Funtime with @kq4q. Yeehaw (@ Dollywood) http://t.co/2i2RrLwN #
- Vittles with my @kq4q at our favorite Southern place. (@ Granny Ogle's Ham and Beans) http://t.co/SmaHRLj0 #
- Trying dinner with my @kq4q after an already long day. (@ Calhoun's) http://t.co/R7sYmSMP #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15
- I'm watching True Blood (9385 others checked-in) http://t.co/nsYfxcdu @GetGlue @TrueBloodHBO #
- I unlocked the True Blood: Lafayette sticker on @GetGlue! #TrueBlood #BootNRally http://t.co/fOQecVNQ #
- Lunch with @kq4q after venturing into Burkes Garden. (@ Sonic Drive-In) http://t.co/XqRV2j2Q #
- I'm checking out @TweetLanes, a brand new Twitter app for Android. Looks pretty cool so far. http://t.co/YBe0p6oA #
- I'm watching Eureka (4721 others checked-in) http://t.co/zqu0hZZi @GetGlue @_S_A_R_A_H_ #
- I unlocked the Eureka: Henry Deacon sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/c6xGV1cg #
- Checking this out in just a bit. http://t.co/crqvvhYo @GetGlue @PerceptionTNT #
- The chick on Kitchen Crashers is such a ho-bag. #JustSaying #
- @kq4q Hey you, I love you! in reply to kq4q #
- Ep 1ร03 with @kq4q because he loves me
http://t.co/U7V4d3Dx @GetGlue @bbcdoctorwho #
- I unlocked the Doctor Who at Comic-Con 2012 sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/Minagp3l #
- Dinner with @kq4q and family. (@ Applebee's) http://t.co/589xVBJP #
- The #ESPYs are the most boring thing on the planet. Furthermore, they're giving me a headache. #
- How to cook perfect jerk chicken http://t.co/w2XOtJ84 #
- S3 Team Meeting. At 9:00. Not 8:30. Bah! (@ Country Inn & Suites By Carlson, Princeton, WV) http://t.co/mxCSavAM #
- Guilty pleasure time! http://t.co/6KAs1bNq @GetGlue #CBSBigBrother #
- I love my boyfriend, I do, but if Drew Brees wanted a night with him for $1M, I'd be ok with that. #NoneOfThatMakesSenseIKnow #
- Big welcome to my baby bro, @millertebow! #
- @millertebow Tweet like the wind! ! in reply to millertebow #
- Working up to The Avengers with @kq4q. http://t.co/WutrnLj2 @GetGlue @Marvel #
- I unlocked the Flawed sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/E82SqbtG #
- Not feeling this Iron Man stuff. Give me Thor any day. Please?
- OK. In order: Thor, Captain America, Iron Man (2), Hulk. No question. Book it. #
- @jimmac102864 Hello? Have you SEEN Thor? Total hotness. in reply to jimmac102864 #
- How soon can this come back?!? http://t.co/aHAezA1b @GetGlue @GameofThrones #
- I unlocked the Game of Thrones at Comic-Con 2012 sticker on @GetGlue! #SDCCGOTFan http://t.co/FQIwlsEb #
- Finally, dinner here with my @kq4q! (@ El Jaripeo) http://t.co/3U5g5CPo #
- Avengers Assemble (in my living room) with @kq4q http://t.co/IPQ9zfBj @GetGlue @Avengers #Marvel #