Category Archives: Personal

Presents…for me.

I am the most selfish person EVER. Instead of buying gifts for my loved ones, I’ve gone out and bought new things for myself–again. I’ve bought new mattresses, an opulent filing cabinet to match my new desk, and lots of smaller purchases…all for me. At least I bought Hobbit some stuff. That’s a start. :flake:


Ever feel like your mind is just running 100 miles per minute? Mine is. Due to closing on my house and another RL thing, I won’t be around for a bit. I’m caught up in the vid submissions for M3TV, but if I could get an email for any new ones, that would be great *hint hint*. Life is good…fast and dangerous, but good. I’ll fill in details in person by request, but for now…have a blast–I know I am!

ETA: I love my new layout 🙂

Not So Grimm

I just had a wonderful day with and ! We had lunch at Macadoo’s, which is one of my favorite local places. We shopped for quite a while, and I was able to pick up the 16-Month calendar of LOTR, the small version of the same calendar, a Shelob, Frodo, and Sam set (even though I already have a Shelob, Frodo, and a Sam..heh), a bunch of stuff for Hobbit, magazines, etc. The we hit Big Lots only to find incredibly great Halloween Village buildings. After buying several of them each (mine alone were $120.00 and I’ll post pics of my village closer to Halloween), we saw a movie.

Oh dear gawd. The Brothers Grimm was by far the worst movie I’ve ever sat through in a theater. OK, maybe it’s tied with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. POA had a reasons to earn my hatred, though, and I’ve stated them all before. TBG was just bad. Really bad. From the script, to the score, to the acting…it was just bad. Matt Damon and Heath Ledger do well enough with their roles, but their roles are stupid. There is no cohesiveness to the storyline and whoever edited this movie should never work in film again. Ben, Jesse, and I have determined that it would have made a LOT more sense if the film hadn’t been chopped up so badly. This is a Gilliam film (he of the “Chris Columbus ruined the first two HP movies” rant. HA! The irony!) and he tries way to hard to recreate TAoBM, but just can’t do it. He doesn’t even come close.

This movie isn’t even a “but” movie. Van Helsing was bad, but fun. Troy was bad, but pretty. Even Sean Bean couldn’t have saved this movie. It’s.that.bad. Do yourself a favor and just skip it altogether.

Weekend Wasted

This weekend, which began this morning, is shot.

The drama that unfolds here is unbelievable. Once everyone has exhausted their own garbage, it turns on me. Yes, I have one Master’s Degree, and no, I do not desire another. I agreed that I would take classes as needed to fulfill the few remaining requirements of a School Counseling degree. Now, it seems that I need to jump through no less that 15 hoops just to find out the real deal on *how* to do so. Every sentence contradicts the previous one when reading the catalogs from WVU and Marshall. I can’t believe that someone approved the printing of such unorganized, uninformed documents. Throw that in a pot with my family’s dysfunction and voila–instant sludge.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to pack up everything I can into a bandanna and a stick, and Hob and I are heading for the train tracks.