Snagged from Jesse:
[cut text=”Who am I? Your MASTER”]
You scored as Emperor Palpatine.
Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
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Snagged from Jesse:
[cut text=”Who am I? Your MASTER”]
You scored as Emperor Palpatine.
Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
created with[/cut]
Aw, damn damn damn. Due to a clerical error, someone who owes me a couple thousand dollars won’t be able to pay. I feel worse for her than I do myself, however, since she is really in a bind now. Insurance companies are teh suck.
I had my first real experience with a karaoke bar last night.
Muscle head’s best friend (and cousin)–Eddie Guerrero look-alike
Hot Ba’al lookalike who paid me NO attention whatsoever
Pure preppy geek guy (and NOT in a good way)
Man in his late 50s who kept whispering in my ear (blech) asking me to go home with him and please rock his world
Once I got over any chance of a hookup, I decided to just enjoy the show. Didn’t happen. was a country song–MOPEY country song, at that. Oh, yeah, all of the guys are gym-types, therefore didn’t drink or smoke–except creepy old man, who followed me to the bar like a sick horny dog at every chance he could get.
Needless to say, I probably won’t be hitting that circuit again anytime soon.
Retirement is treating my dad well. In what will be remembered as one of the most surreal moments of my life, yesterday, I “caught” him full-on club dancing to “Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani. He looked like a Laker Girl or something. I gotta say, he was quite good! :clap: