I have many things lined up for the weekend. The only definite plan I have is seeing National Treasure when it opens at 7:00pm Friday night. As much as I abhor Nicolas Cage (his hairline, his voice, his droopy eyes), I will be feverishly awaiting Sean Bean’s appearance as Ian Howe. Continue reading Plans abound!
Category Archives: Personal
Reason #6398
Reason #6398 why I :love: Ashley, Scott’s gf. She just asked me if The Lord of the Rings was a true story.
All that?
I’m going to be busy today:
1. Cap FOTR: EE Boromir scenes for NadjaLee (DONE)
2. Wash walls in entire house (HALF DONE)
3. Escort hot tub repairman to uncle’s and make sure he repairs ours and his (RESCHEDULED)
4. Burn Finding Neverland, The Polar Express, King Arthur(FN-BURNED*)
5. Watch at least one of the above
6. Convert Lost so video isn’t flipped in vidmaking program
[Edit with progress update-3:49pm and 10:51pm*]
Is this real?
So I go over to Video Elite to check what’s going on and find a HUGE surprise. My vid LOST is the Video of the Month and several of my vids have made the Hall of Fame. This is the vidding equivalent of the Academy Awards and I am beyond shocked. I recognize many of my Hall of Fame class, including Ben, Melissa, Kat, and Cibby. This is a great day to be a vidder.