Category Archives: Personal

Happy Hobbit Day

It’s hard to believe that Hobbit is turning six this year. It honestly seems like yesterday that I was given a weirdo kitten that no one ever dreamed of wanting.

How much things change!

We’re not having a party this year because Hobbit wants to save up her money to visit Disney World. She’s tired of having Pirates of the Caribbean parties here when she can go to Orlando and see the actual ride. 😆

You can still send catnip or treats, though. :cake:

New Year, New Look, New Everything

Although I love the sleek design of my Gallery theme, I think the necessity of finding two images per post was keeping me from posting as much as I’d like.

I’ve pared it down a bit, but kept a few features I liked best. We’ll see how long it lasts.

I intend to return to the wonderful world of fandom posting soon, but I just wanted to note a few things as we begin the new year.

I start a new job next week. This is HUGE for me, as I am leaving a position that is comfortable both professionally and personally. I can only hope the excitement of the new position will help overshadow any shortcomings that may come socially.

Speaking of socially…WOW! Since we’ve been out three weeks due to scheduled Winter Break and then plenty of snow days, I think it’s not too geeky to say when it snows it pours! There’s finally a little action from the eHarmony end, an open offer on the local end, and I’ve just had a fantastic (friends only) weekend with the promise of more to come (I have Doctor Who Third Doctor DVDs as ransom….mwa ha ha ha). I’d have to say that right now life is good.

Next post–FANDOM LOVE. I promise.

Holiday Haul

Each year, I do this, so why not this year?

Keurig Deluxe Single-Cup Coffee Maker
Lots of coffee
Antique Santa coffee mug
Snowflake earrings
12′ HDMI cable
2 Sweaters
2 Turtlenecks
DVD player (Divx/USB) for bedroom
Carpet Cleaner Machine
Wireless travel mouse for laptop
$400 cash
El Mariachi gift certificate
Palm Pre Touchstone kit
Car outlet adapter
Plush blanket/throw
Vader ornament
Ornate jar
Bunch of candy
Assorted shower gels and lotions
Smooth Away…ha!
Massage chair pad (Thanks, Scott!!)
The three remaining LOTR goblets that make a complete set! (Thanks, Jamie!!)
LOTR Calendar (Thanks, self!!)

Hobbit Hospital

Even though the title of this post sounds like a very bad serial fanfic, it describes my plans for Labor Day weekend.

By my observation, Hobbit has been having excessive thirst and frequent trips to the litter box, the primary combo symptoms of feline diabetes. Maybe I’m just being overcautious (and I hope I am), but she has an appointment tomorrow. I hope they just take a few labs, perform an office exam, and send us home. I have no reason to think they’ll want to keep her (since they’re closed Sunday and Monday), so we should be fine on that front.

I’ll update later, but Hobbit says that if you’d like to send donations for catnip, she does accept PayPal.