Category Archives: Site

Hi-Tech Review

Google Chrome Browser

There are a few things I like about it:

It is fast
Switching tabs is smooth as buttah
Having the tabs on top was actually comfortable.

There are more things I don’t like about it:

It’s not a one-stop shop like FF (no extensions, ads everywhere, etc.)
It’s hideous
No right-click reload!!! For obsessive freaks like me, that’s a deal breaker.
Did I mention ads….everywhere?!? With Adblock Plus and Firefox, I didn’t realize there were so many sites displaying ads. Blech.
The “Most Visited” page is a curse. I want my site to be the first box listed, so now I have to reload my site repeatedly, thus driving up the cost of bandwidth usage (only not really, since I have a readership of, like, 2…maybe 3).

Bottom line: I though about using it as a quick browser, but why get out of sync with FF, which I love and will have to rely on when uploading, editing, designing, etc.? NOT SWITCHING.

More Site Stuff

I added a few rotating headers, inspired by Trench of 7milesdown. Before anyone asks, yes, I do know that his use is far superior to my own. 😛 I also revamped the “About Jenn” page. It’s still not complete, but by using a gallery instead of my random images, it looks a helluva lot better at first glance. It’s funny how when you actually sit down to list all the things you love, you struggle to think of the things that YOU LOVE. Heh.

I skipped SGA, so I guess the love has really left me. I’m sad about that. At least we got “Turn Left” (Doctor Who) tonight. Now I’ve seen that episode at least 10 times, but having it on air is just cool.

The aforementioned dinner fell through, but Dad assures me that we’re going tomorrow. I can already taste the greatness. I :love: beef. 😆

[Edit: Because I hate this theme, I’ll be getting a new one tomorrow, or at least going with my own that works. Iframes? Seriously?!? Ugh!!!]

[Edit Edit: I like this theme. Since I didn’t create it, there may be bugs I don’t know about. See any? I know that in my IE7, the right sidebar gets smooshy in places, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why or correct it. Oh well. Use FF or Opera anyway 😛 ]

Change, by force

I’ve had to lose the LJ plugin that allowed me to crosspost. I was trying to tidy up the code a little, went with someone’s suggestion, and killed it dead. I never post on LJ, so that wasn’t something I was concerned about, but SEVERAL posts on this site were written with LJ tags, which obviously, won’t work anymore. Therefore, if you see any reference to LJ-ish things, they will just be a hot mess. I was able to find a good enough moodtheme plugin by Cricket (no, I will NOT give my my moodthemes, thankyouverymuch).

Ooh, speaking of HOT MESS. Project Runway. Blayne. I think I’ll just call him “Mango”. Why? Well, he LOOKS like Mango, he SOUNDS like Mango (liciousnness….blech!), and above all else, he f’n IS Mango. Seriously, let the tanning go. He is the color of a overripe mango. And he annoys me. Yup.

It’s All Science

You know what I’ve found? When I have vid recs in the queue for Fanvid-Recs, I feel too guilty to post here. I just added six recs and now I feel free.

I’m watching S2E2 of Torchwood and if it’s as good as S2E1, I’m going to be very glad. Others have said plenty about James Marsters’ trip to Cardiff, and I don’t have much to add, but I’ll agree with the fact that there seems to be an abundance of Jack kissing this series, and, well, YAY! I wasn’t the biggest fan of Series 1, but so far, so good.

I’m in a bit of a conundrum with regards to my television viewing schedule for tonight; new Project Runway/premiere of RW/RR Challenge: The Gauntlet III . I can’t stay up until midnight to watch both, but I can’t pick which one to watch tonight. It really is like Sophie’s Choice. Really.

Oh, one more thing.  PRODUCT WARNING:  Do NOT buy Pillsbury Reduced Fat Cinnamon Rolls.  It’s like someone took some plain canned biscuits to a class of kindergarteners and let them shove little chunks of cinnamon into them with their paws.  Blech.  The name alone-Cinnamon ROLLS- suggests, I dunno, ROLLS of some kind.  I don’t get it.