Category Archives: Site

Fourscore and…

Living in the past again: I added a new feature to my Hobbiton and Vader themes. It’s a nifty little plugin that lists last year’s posts from this week. I think it proves JUST how dorky I am was. Check it out!


Due to the recent theme that trench of developed and my conversations with a coworker, I felt the need to have another Star Wars theme. Vader is a very plain layout based on Grey. It’s nowhere near as cool as the rotating header on 7milesdown, but it’ll do for now. :nod:

All mine

It should be understood that NONE of my work will EVER validate XHTML. That said, I made my first all mine theme for WordPress today. It’s in the switcher as ‘Grey’ and I really like it. It’s a three column, fluid center layout which seems to hold up fairly well in 1280* 1024* and 800*. I’ve tested it in FireFox (where it looks AWESOME) and IE (only because people are too slow to catch on…) and I’m now using it as my default theme.

If it looks wonky or won’t work, let me know.