Category Archives: Site

What a week…

This was the first week since Christmas break that we didn’t have a snow day or 2-hour delay at least once. I am utterly exhausted–and that’s just sad. I got my big new monitor yesterday (they’re still building my pc) and wowzers….it rocks. I did could just sit there and look at it all evening.

Like a total doof, I applied for a fanlisting. As it turns out, the movie has to have been released already for your application to be considered. Since Van Helsing isn’t released until MAY, I’ve now introduced myself to the people who approve you as a d-u-m-b-a-s-s. *kicks self—HARD*

I detest anime

Unless you actually are six years old, DON’T PUT CARTOONS ON YOUR SITE!

I’ll even go so far as to say that you may have cartoons, as long as your site isn’t supposed to be about something else. Or maybe not even then. Arrrrgh.

OK, Ben, go ahead and point out the error in my thinking, I know you will :p

Who knew?!?

Who knew how hard it would be to make a simple website? Anyway, the reason I’ve been away, is that I was making a new site. It started out as a part of, but when I didn’t like the results, I bought a whole new name.

I invite you to visit for all your ROTK screencap needs. Well, if your needs include Faramir and a few select shots of the coronation, the “Kiss”, and my lady Galadriel.