Category Archives: Site

You knew it was coming…

With the abundance of new pics coming out, I felt that I had no choice but to resize my site. 800×600 just isn’t large enough to hold all of the greatness that is LOTR. I realize that I left out many of the characters, but I wanted to focus on those that are 1) the most important 2) the yummiest. I have not forgotten Gimli, Gollum, the Eye, Eowyn, Theoden, Denethor, and certainly not Faramir or Eomer; I just ran out of space *sigh*

It’s time to be thankful

I guess November is the “Thankful Month” for me. I originally wanted to have a header that showcased all the men I’m thankful for, but once I saw the pic of Elijah, I was hooked. I think this pic says a lot, so I decided to stay with it. Hope you like.