Category Archives: TV

Spring Feverish

heroeslogo Heroes didn’t disappoint. The hype was there, and I loved it. For a non-Sylar episode, I would say that it was actually pretty fantastic. While nearly everyone called the identity of Rebel, I was glad to see it play out the way it did. The only thing that would have been even cooler is if Rebel had actually had the accomplice we thought he would have. How’s that for non-specific non-spoiler? Oh, and Daphne was, as always, adorable. Next week is going to be all Sylar! SYLAR!

In this year’s installment of “Why I Hate Spring”, I refer you to the poison ivy on my hands. I left the house for less than five minutes to pick up some rubbish that had blown into my yard during the recent storms and came in immediately to wash with bleach, but it beat me. If the poison ivy stays contained to my hands, I’ll be happy; it’s the face affliction that I dread. I’m on double the Benedryl now, so hopefully it will provide some kind of benefit. I really don’t want to be forced to get the injections and prescriptions for decadron and steroids–again.

Return to Sherwood

Robin Hood S3 Next Saturday marks the return of the BBC’s Robin Hood. Nearly all my fandom friends watch, so it will be good to have another shared fandom again. Though we lost some cast members after S2, we will get some new faces to love (or hate), so that should freshen things up a bit. I don’t know how much of the accepted legend will be followed, but I’m truly not bothered by the liberties the show takes; it works well enough for me!

Eureka in Spring?

desktop_jack_1152 So word on the street (oh, alright, message boards) is that new episodes of Eureka will air starting April 23. They are calling it Season 3.5. This fits with what Colin talked about during Comic Con, so perhaps there is truth to the rumors. I’ve been following S.A.R.A.H. on twitter to get news (even before I had my own twitter account), but there hasn’t been any hard news yet. The new season, by all accounts, is to begin in July, so I really think we’ll get more eps sooner rather than later.

It was another meager week in fandom, but the double makeovers Wednesday night on ANTM and Make Me A Supermodel were at least something to ponder. I love ANTM as much as the next fan who’s willing to admit even watching, but the production value of the two shows is never more apparent than in the makeover episodes. Even though London and Mountaha received pretty much the same style and color, the subtle variations of Mountaha’s look make her appear far more upscale than ANTM‘s London. It’s the little things that make such a difference. Ahhh, sweet, beautiful people.