Category Archives: TV

Go Away. NOW.

I hate, with a fiery passion, Presidential addresses. With the availability on online resources, there is absolutely no need for networks to cover every little thing a president has to say. If anything important comes to light, I’ll be more than happy to catch it on, I don’t know, one of the twenty so news channels or on

It’s time for Heroes, dammit. Get with the program! :ranting:

[Edit: Our Prez must be a Heroes fan…the show is a go!]

Happily Ever After

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German fans have confirmed that the remaining episodes of Pushing Daisies will air in their country. Hopefully (and likely), we can share the excitement with them. It’s shameful they way ABC can’t even finish the season. It’s two episodes, for pete’s sake!

Anyway, hooray, Germans!

It seems that love bloomed on the set of Fringe. Anna Torv and Mark Valley recently (and secretly) wed! That’s just…wow! :love: After this week’s episode, I was thinking that we may have actually seen the last of Agent John Scott, but now he’ll at least be reachable should they need him, no?

Oh, really?

I sit here, week after week, just hoping for 10:00 to get here so this crap will be one step closer to finished. Really, LOST? REALLY?!? Not “Wow!” Not “Cool!” Not in a good way, just, honestly, really?

Jin. Alive. In the past. With pregnant Danielle (who in NO WAY resembles Mira Furlan). Oh, god, really? *groans* The only hope I get from this episode is that Juliet will now die since she’s got the nosebleedy thing. DIE!

In conclusion: Really?

NBC Returns

For ages now, people living in my area have been unable to get NBC via satellite TV because our lawmakers have nothing better to do than legislate against it. Srsly. Anyway, thanks to my quick thinking, I devised a plan to use the new digital conversion box connected to a small, tech-y antenna my dad gave me years ago, and VOILA! I was finally able to watch Heroes first run on a real TV, lying on the couch, and not sitting hostage-style in my kitchen watching on an old, turndial TV that made everyone appear green or yellow, depending on the wind.

Victory is MINE!