Category Archives: Work

Dracula *swoon*

I caught my second run of the MVHS Theatre Production of “Dracula” today. It was nothing short of amazing seeing the response the cast received from the audience. The students of the school, who typically don’t care about anything were completely mesmerized. The performances were again spot-on and the audience was exact in their response. I was nearly in tears to see them give their fellow classmates a much deserved standing ovation. This was the day that doors opened for a lot of these kids. No longer must they be “cool” or “athletic” to feel a part of something larger. The lead, a handsome, quiet senior junior comes from the “outcast” crowd, more interested in Star Wars than football. When the play was over, girls from every background imaginable swooned and sang his praises. This is exactly what we need around here. Yes, the doors have opened; and I am ecstatic.

Lady Luck Smiles

In the past two days I have decided on a house (one called Lake House because it overlooks a lake), been accepted to Marshall University’s School Counseling program to get my second master’s, driven to Greensboro and back* after finding my tax documents from 2002 (with only minor scrapes and bruises), and am fully ready to get my loan.


*I really wanted to see Todd and Cole, but I had to get there and back before the bank closed. I’ll be back soon 😉

ETA: The new Stargate: Atlantis credits are the best opening credits I’ve ever seen. Stunningly gorgeous!

What’s Goin’ On

Work is going well. I corresponded with the chair of the department at Marshall U. and he may be able to help me out. If it works out, I’ll be around here even less. I haven’t made a vid in forever and I no ideas for one now. I almost like one of the new Our Lady Peace songs for a HP vid, but in the end, I can’t get past a repeated reference to a telephone. 😆

Weekend Wasted

This weekend, which began this morning, is shot.

The drama that unfolds here is unbelievable. Once everyone has exhausted their own garbage, it turns on me. Yes, I have one Master’s Degree, and no, I do not desire another. I agreed that I would take classes as needed to fulfill the few remaining requirements of a School Counseling degree. Now, it seems that I need to jump through no less that 15 hoops just to find out the real deal on *how* to do so. Every sentence contradicts the previous one when reading the catalogs from WVU and Marshall. I can’t believe that someone approved the printing of such unorganized, uninformed documents. Throw that in a pot with my family’s dysfunction and voila–instant sludge.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to pack up everything I can into a bandanna and a stick, and Hob and I are heading for the train tracks.