Category Archives: Work

Happiness is. . .

My (all too brief) visit with Narayan was just as I expected, full of juvenile humor and uncontrollable laughter. I’m happy to see that he hasn’t lost a lot of weight during his latest trip to Asia since he normally looks too skinny when he returns. For anyone interested, some of his photographs can be seen at I’m sure none of the recent pics are up yet, and most of my favorites aren’t on his site yet, but can be seen at his generic hosting site, here.

Tomorrow, I get to play “Aunt Jenn” to Cage since my brother and his wife are at a golf tournament my brother is playing in. It’s the Coca-Cola something or other and only 5 amateurs were invited to play for the chance to play on the pro circuit next year. It’s a huge deal for him and regardless of the outcome, he’s really done well!

Ooh, my new principal was announced today (well, the assistant superintendent told me who it is, I don’t know if it’s been announced publicly or not). He seems like an OK guy from what we’ve heard. He’s a bodybuilder and former title winning coach, so maybe he’ll have the right blend of characteristics to whip our school into shape. :clap:

I haven’t commented much on this season of Doctor Who, but I have to admit that some of the eps have been just terrific. I especially like “Blink” and the kooky new Master. If Tennant wasn’t such a loon, I don’t know if I’d find The Master menacing enough, but with both of them running around like demented 8 year olds, I guess it works in a bizarre kind of way. I’m actually dreading the season finale since it means that we’ll have to wait until Christmas for more. I’m sure I’ll just break out the 9th DVD and tide myself over. :wink2:

Um, yeah

So after much consideration, I’ve decided to not update on events since the last time I posted. Graduation, schedule, death threats, you’ve heard it all before.

I spent the better part of the week at Canaan Valley with Mrs. Bush. We were at a conference for work and actually had a pretty good time. Before we went, I got to spend a couple of days with Ben, which is always terrific. Since I missed the birthdays of Ben and Karen (Hi, sis!), I decided to continue to be the non-celebratory hostess. Lucky Ben!

I’m bored. I’m seriously bored. I want to have a night out of drinking and acting up, but I have no one to do it with. I guess I could be the sad, lonely chick out alone, but then I’d be bored and pathetic, and that’s just not right.

Damn, I’m bored.


It’s been a long time…again. I don’t know why I’m not writing anything. I guess it’s because I’m content with everything and have nothing to complain about.

Last weekend, Ben and Jesse celebrated their 2nd Anniversary and Christian celebrated his 1st Birthday. Yay, guys! I still need to get prezzies for each. I had class, which went wonderfully, as usual. I found out I need only two more classes and an abbreviated internship whereby I will required only to log what I’m doing at work since I’m already a counselor. Yay!

Things I need to do:

Buy aforementioned gifts
Get new cellphone
File taxes (finished long ago)
Finish Master Schedule (which I was promised I wouldn’t have to do)
Create new theme for this site
Get rid of cold

Howdy, Stranger

Where have I been? SICK. I finished my first assignment, second assignment, and lots of work from my job, but I got a bit of a cold in there somewhere and I’ve been out of it. I’ve also been quite addicted to Treasures of Montezuma, a Bejeweled kind of game. I’ve beaten it 8 times now. My whole family is playing nonstop and so far only Scott has beaten it, too. He’s playing on a laptop with no mouse, so I KNOW if he had a mouse he would have beaten it in no time. As it is, I am the champion of the world. 😆

Yesterday, Cage wanted so Naruto cards, so we took him to get some and I had a chance to see Ashley. Yay!! Hope you got to see 300, hon! Next weekend I’m in Charleston for class, but if this cold isn’t completely gone, I’m not even going to ask my favorite guys for a place to bunk. I’ve got a ton of work to do for that class and may actually start on it today if my cough medicine will stop knocking me out. Pfft.