Glee Me

After looping the first episode of Glee for months, we finally got a new episode this week. The big question everyone had was, “Will it maintain its endearing quirkiness?” I think it did.

The characters stayed pretty true to the established cliche roles, and even though they are near-caricatures, I think they work. As a matter of fact, the portrayals are so over the top that they’ve actually looped around to the realm of believability.

The school situations are way more absurd than the happenings of the Glee Club, though. For instance, a teacher would never be given a part-time janitorial job by a principal; the job would go up for bid through the BOE and applicants would be ranked and placed according to seniority, etc. blah blah blah. Another point, and one that is important to me, is the fact that the school counselor is still referred to in the antiquated “Guidance Counselor” terminology. Still, if those are my biggest gripes, I’m thrilled.

I like how we got to see the setup to some resolution for the big events of the premiere. The oh noes!Baby situation leaves me satisfied and the will-they-or-won’t-they of Finn/Rachel was addressed early on, as it should have been. I wasn’t a fan of the final song, so I fast forwarded through it. This may be the case with future episodes, too, but I’m not watching the show as a musical, so that’s fine with me.

Todd! Cole!

Anniversary day for Todd and Cole is here! If you’ve ever wondered if things can go really well in a marriage on a near-constant basis, you need only see Todd and Cole to know that they can.

Happy Anniversary, pals! I miss you :love:

p.s. I’m sneaking this post from work and I can’t add a cool picture for you *pouts*

The Science

Of all the shows airing this fall, none has me more excited than Fringe. When the pilot leaked, I must have watched it at least twenty times in anticipation of the series premiere. I can still tell you every little difference in the two versions. I also looped each episode once it aired in anticipation of the next week’s (or just “next” as the case too often was) episode. Over the summer, I found myself looping all of Season 1 quite a few times in anticipation of Season 2.

So as you can see, I really am a fan, but some of the casting rumors (some confirmed) have me a little concerned. I’m not sure what’s going on with Charlie, but especially after seeing the Season 1 gag reel, I really, REALLY hope he stays around in this dimension or another we get to see. I also pretty much want no females other than Olivia and Astrid. I know that sounds backward of me, but it’s true. I like to watch the boys’ game. So, there, I’ve said it. Keep Charlie, ditch the new chick. Now.

The Secret

In less than two weeks, a show that I very much love returns: Merlin. This seems to be a love it or hate it show in most circles, but as long as it’s returning, I don’t really care what the haters say. I didn’t see what NBC did to it stateside because of my aforementioned difficulty in receiving local channels without altering my viewing habits and the inability to DVR the shows.

The new Series 2 trailer was just released and it did not disappoint. There seemed to be the development of a lot more peril than just the “monster of the week” we largely saw in Series 1. I think it’s not spoilery for me to say there was also a little romance. Oh, if they only knew….

Aside from watching the adorably dorky Merlin becoming more skilled as a sorcerer, I am most importantly awaiting the return of Lancelot (which happens, people, oh yes, it happens–possibly more than once).