Hobbit Update

No, not The Hobbit movie, MY Hobbit. Thanks, you guys, for all the well-wishes. She is home and currently taking a nap in her own bed. She has plenty of medicine and everything appears to be just fine. We’ll blog more when she wakes up 😉

Weekend Update

The weekend started early, so I’ll do my patented daily breakdown.
Thursday: Arrive in Knoxville in record time. Enjoy spending time with Mike. Grab some Mexican for dinner. Enjoy spending time with Mike. Watch Teh Big Empty (repeatedly). Enjoy spending time with Mike 🙂
Friday: Wake up to the best pancakes in the history of EVAH. Watch The Fifth Element, X2, and FOTR. Have dinner at (aww damn, I can’t remember the name) Charlie Peppers or something to that effect. Take all-night nap.
Saturday: Reluctantly leave Knoxville. Drive 4.5 hours on the worst interstate known to man. Arrive at Todd and Cole’s frickin’ mansion. Take tour of mansion. Love mansion. Love Todd and Cole. Go eat at Ham’s. Have them make classic Caribbean Beef Wrap…yummm. Go to Target. Spend money. Go to Circuit City. Spend money. Go to mall. Spend money. Go to Best Buy. Find nothing. Watch Resident Evil. Love Milla.
Sunday: Bruegger’s Bagel breakfast=heaven. Leave early to get home and help mom find clothes to wear on business trip. Luggage from CA trip still not here…heh.
Monday: Drop Hobbit off at vet’s for surgery. Cry eyes out. Still.

My favorite number

People who know me well know that my favorite numer is “6”.  If you ever hear me say, “I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10,” pick 6.  I now have an even bigger reason to love that number courtesy of Goldeneye.   006!!!
Weekend details will be blogged tomorrow.  Too much greatness to get into right away.

Emmy nods

So the Emmy nominations came out today. Whoop-de-doo. In the E!Online poll they asked which of these shows deserve an Emmy nomination…blah blah blah. I didn’t even vote. It’s that pathetic. For people who don’t like reality shows, what do you do with your time?!? Dramas and comedies from this country suck, people. Seriously, why can we not have airings of Sharpe and call it a day? BBCA, PLEASE hear our cries and give us what we want NEED to see!