Tag Archives: Ash

Howdy, Stranger

Where have I been? SICK. I finished my first assignment, second assignment, and lots of work from my job, but I got a bit of a cold in there somewhere and I’ve been out of it. I’ve also been quite addicted to Treasures of Montezuma, a Bejeweled kind of game. I’ve beaten it 8 times now. My whole family is playing nonstop and so far only Scott has beaten it, too. He’s playing on a laptop with no mouse, so I KNOW if he had a mouse he would have beaten it in no time. As it is, I am the champion of the world. 😆

Yesterday, Cage wanted so Naruto cards, so we took him to get some and I had a chance to see Ashley. Yay!! Hope you got to see 300, hon! Next weekend I’m in Charleston for class, but if this cold isn’t completely gone, I’m not even going to ask my favorite guys for a place to bunk. I’ve got a ton of work to do for that class and may actually start on it today if my cough medicine will stop knocking me out. Pfft.

Bestest Friends

So I hear from Ben that he’s going to visit me tomorrow and I’m all *YAY* about that! Narayan is still in Africa (Uganda, for now), but he’s going to come see me in a few weeks on his way to Syracuse and I’m all *YAY* about that, too!

My concern is that I haven’t seen any of my local friends in quite a while, and I’m especially concerned about my girl, Shrader. Once I get to hang out with her and my other local friend, Flo, and go to Dragon*Con with Ben and Jesse, I’ll just have had a pretty great Summer. 🙂

Best EVER!

Wow! Either a) they’re shooting the best damned fireworks EVAH b) It’s suddenly daytime c) the brightest electrical storm I’ve ever seen is happening….right NOW!

Heh. I guess all the happy little couples and families had their fireworks displays ruined by the storm. Say it with me, “awwww”. *snerk*

Here’s to hoping gets better and doesn’t get fired and to and not backing out on Dragon*Con.
Cheers! :bubbly:

Home Again

Wow, I’ve been back for awhile, but I just didn’t feel like posting, I guess. NYC was unbelievable. should kick me in the head for not enjoying it more and being downright rude to her for much of the trip. Our students were amazing- taking in the culture and excitement of the city. Our other chaperones were hellish- petty, bitter, condescending, biased, you name it.

“Chicago” put me to sleep. Literally. The theatre it played in was so small that it *has* to be the lower limit of Broadway, but we had orchestra seats, so that was nice. It’s just b.o.r.i.n.g. “Lestat” was by far the more enjoyable production. We saw it in the Palace Theatre and although we were in the nosebleed section, we (students and cool people) loved it. After hearing several tepid reviews, our expectations were lowered, which may be a contributing factor to our appreciation of the play. The sets and costumes were stunning and really inspired our theatre department. I was thrilled to see the kids enjoying it. Damn near moved to tears, even.

I spent some time in The Village, Chinatown, Times Square, Ellis Island, and Liberty Island, and like the kids, I was amazed at just how easily we all integrated into each segment. This trip really opened the eyes of all of us and if we can do it again (without parents and self-righteous adults), I’m all for it. I have a few pics on my site for anyone interested in boring stuff.

Oh, I almost forgot! When I came home, I learned that my brother is engaged! Her name is Jamie, though I call her James just because it sounds cooler, she teaches school with him, and she has a little boy named Cage. I’m going to be an aunt! In August! Yippee!!