Tag Archives: Birthday

No Joke!

Scotti Lee Miller was born April 1, 2008 at 7:00pm. She weighs in at 8lbs. and owns the runway with her 21 1/4 inch height. Even though she’s a month earlier than first projected, she already looks around, plays with the cord to her heart monitor and enjoys passing secret spit bubble messages with her brother, Cage. She has her mom’s full head of dark hair and her dad’s eyes and lips (we’re talking Jolie territory here). Mother, father, and daughter are fine and should be home in a day or two.

She’s perfect, and I’m so proud to be Aunt Jenn to my little niece! :love:


Productivity, thy name is mine.  I shall now list my accomplishments for the week.

Wrote two papers and responded appropriately to others in one of my classes (whew!).

Caught up on all my shows including Torchwood (fun!), SGA (boring), Lost (sucks), Survivor (hurrah!)

Ordered Mom’s cookie cake for tomorrow

Gave Hobbit extra present of SuperScratcher (Awww)

Quite a bit of housework (finally).

And now, I have to go back and see what I’ve missed online, because I’ve managed to stay off all week.  Good for me!