Tag Archives: Doctor-Who

Season’s End (Hate)

lost-logo_0 Actually, one word can sum up my hatred. LOST. Dead-Not-Dead people? Immortals (who may be biblical) mixed into Egyptian mythology? Are you kidding me?!? If the show had been marketed as sci-fi from the beginning, I would slightly forgive it. As it is, this show has completely lost the appeal of Season 1. The mysteries of the unknown are now the mysteries of crap. I once said that the show was awful due to the turn of Ben/Widmore, but looking back, that beats the hell out of the stupidity of time travel, vanishing islands, and overall ridiculousness. True, I still watch, but only because of my devotion to S1 and the hope that the show will end on some kind of plausible level. Ugh.

I stopped watching Primeval this series. The show, while never actually fantastic, grew into a derivative monster of the week show, with even less relativity than in the past. The cast changes didn’t bother me so much as the change in tone of the show, and for that, I’m out.

Robin Hood is teetering on being on this list, though the series isn’t finished yet. I know they have to set up for the casting changes at the end of the year, but they (thus far) have blown a great opportunity with Isabella in favor of the no-talent blond. Not loving it. The loss of Will and Djaq is hard to overcome, and Guy is just even more revolting than he was in the last two years. Ugh.
[Edit: 6/13/09 2:45pm OMFG. I just read a spoiler about one of the Outlaws and now I think I am demoting the show onto this list in no uncertain terms. F$%# !!]

With great pain, I must now add Doctor Who to this list, if for no other reason, than it has no real season this year. Planet of the Dead was dead awful. The more I think about it, the more I hate it. BORING. There’s no other word for it. BORING. What would have made for a boring regular episode became an excruciatingly BORING “special”. Ugh Ugh Ugh.

Good Day To Be A Geek

lotr On television (or similar) right now are: The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy), The Star Wars Saga (OT), Doctor Who/Torchwood, Robin Hood, Primeval, new ep of Pushing Daisies, and for me, the second viewing of S2 Dexter (because I still can’t stop). I’ve got RotK on the plasma and Dexter on the lappy. Next up: Hood and Primeval.

That is one heck of a selection, people! :clap:

Doctor What

whologo.jpg Well, now. That was by no means “special”. I rated “Planet of the Dead” at 3/10, but that result is heightened only because of Michelle Ryan’s hair. I seriously covet her hair. As a required wearer of bangs, I have to say, her hair was bangin’. 😆 Seriously, her hair was amazing. And this one time, she pulled it up into a ponytail, and it was amazing then, too.

The rest of the “special” was donkeys.

Primeval, however: Whoa.


Harper's Island Pretty cool. I definitely didn’t pick the victim this week! In addition to my previous cast mentions, I have to add Dale from the recent Flash Gordon adaptation. Geeks everywhere were like, “Hey!” The show didn’t rock my whole world, but it was just engaging enough to make me feel certain that I’ll be back next week. In this day and age, that’s almost as much as I can hope for.

whologo.jpg The new Doctor Who special, “The Planet of the Dead” airs tomorrow. Hoorah! Though I’m looking forward to it, it’s nowhere near the excitement I had week after week when the show was on weekly. I really don’t care for this format, AT ALL. I would rather have had an abbreviated season a la Torchwood than these (possibly) disjointed specials. That said, yay for new Who!

Yay, also, for having Spring Break….finally! :clap: