Tag Archives: Greensboro


Thursday was a tremendously great day. I got to see Todd and Cole in Greensboro. It was sooo great snarking on the Vegas Buffy Homecoming trip and seeing the new baby furniture and getting T.A.G. on DVD. Narayan came up too and just made the trip perfect. After eating more bagels that any one person should Friday morning, the movers showed up and we were on the road.

With a couple of tiny exceptions, my house is set up and ready for visitors. I don’t actually close until tomorrow (Monday), but I stayed there last night and I’m bringing Hobbit today. The new furniture is EXACTLY what I hoped for, though the coffee table was damaged in shipping and the replacement won’t arrive for a couple of weeks. Once I get a new door installed and the table placed, I think I’ll be just as happy as can be.

Come visit me now!

Lady Luck Smiles

In the past two days I have decided on a house (one called Lake House because it overlooks a lake), been accepted to Marshall University’s School Counseling program to get my second master’s, driven to Greensboro and back* after finding my tax documents from 2002 (with only minor scrapes and bruises), and am fully ready to get my loan.


*I really wanted to see Todd and Cole, but I had to get there and back before the bank closed. I’ll be back soon 😉

ETA: The new Stargate: Atlantis credits are the best opening credits I’ve ever seen. Stunningly gorgeous!

Ya think?!?!?

Thank you for applying for the position of Supervisor, Healthcare Contract Loading (Greensboro, NC)-114253. After careful consideration of your application, we wanted to inform you that we have selected another candidate for this position.

Let’s see…my crappy phone interview was in July. I guess they thought I was so dumb that I didn’t figure out that I didn’t get the job in the nearly four months that have passed. Sheesh!

The Joe Schmo Show wraps up tonight, which is good. It’s a two hour show, which is bad. I have to 1) stay up late and 2) miss The Real World. I wonder if I can catch RW on MTV this weekend? heh