Two things happened today, and I’m not which has set Hobbit completely off. First, I ruined my hair. As in, butchered it while trying to cut it myself. I had to get an emergency appointment and found out that my usual repairman has quit the salon. Oh no. The new stylist cut my hair into the most stereotypical hillbilly lesbionic do that all I needed was a flannel shirt and some Birkenstocks. Seriously. I had to have her cut it really short all over. Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby looks like freakin’ Rapunzel next to me. Heh. I’ll really like it in a couple of weeks, though, so I didn’t get too upset.
The second event was that Istar met a new veterinarian today. We both liked her a lot, and he got his seasonal steroid shot to combat his asthma. He still weighs over 18lbs., but at least he hasn’t gained any weight since November. He’s currently resting in his bed and seems to feel just fine.
Diva Hobbit, however, has not stopped hissing since we got home. I was home for only a few minutes between the salon and the vet, so I didn’t really spend any time with her prior to his appointment. I can’t be certain if she’s hissing at Istar or me. She’s about one more hiss away from getting her little butt spanked. The last thing Istar needs is to fight after having to visit the vet, and the last thing I need is a reminder that my head looks scary. So, yeah. Stop it, Hobbit!