Happy Birthday to one of my absolute favorite people ever– Todd! It’s been a long time since our Buffy days, but you have remained awesome. Hope your birthday is terrific. :cake:
To Todd and everyone else, Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday to one of my absolute favorite people ever– Todd! It’s been a long time since our Buffy days, but you have remained awesome. Hope your birthday is terrific. :cake:
To Todd and everyone else, Happy Thanksgiving!
I want to flip my house around.  😡   Every evening, between 4-6pm, the sun and the reflection from the lake out back make viewing anything on my monitor nearly impossible. Not only that, it makes the room too hot. Speaking of hot, what the is up with the weather jumping from snowy days to highs in the 60s again?!?
Tuesday is Election Day, next Tuesday is Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving break is coming up soon after. This is a pretty good month for R’nR, and cold temperatures can only add to the enjoyment of many naps to come.   Bring on the cold, I say!