Tag Archives: Lee Anne

Darn it!

I try so hard to be a miserable, bitter person. With friends like Karen, Lee Anne, and my dear Shrubbery, how can I?!? You guys are always there to make me feel better in spite of myself. *hugs*

Early morning wake up call

Lee Anne called me this morning. Whoo! She’s the mommy of the adorable guy over in my Pic Links. She’s also my LeeLee, who has been my closest friend (almost wrote closet…teehee) for years. She told me why we haven’t been chatting on Messenger (since she never logs on anymore) and we figured out a way to hopefully resolve that problem.

In other news, eHarmony.com found me someone. I don’t have the money to actually get to communicate with him, but check this out: Cole and I were playing Wheel of Decision, which is just a little game on Messenger 6.0. We asked it what my next guy’s name would be and it said “John”. Guess what? The eHarmony guy’s name is John. Hmmm