Tag Archives: Sarah Jane

What Just Happened?!?

Look at that–it’s been a week since I posted and yet again, The Doctor has me back here again.

Before specifics begin, I’ll just say that I am floored by this episode. The reveal of the enemy, while masterfully handled (not The Master-fully….that was last year), was eclipsed by all the OMG moments.

[cut text=”Here be the mind-blowing”]

Right off the bat, this episode is pure Who. I love that all the action is handled by Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Martha, U.N.I.T., Sarah Jane and Mister Smith, and the ever wonderful Harriet Jones, Former Prime Minister (ha!). Poor Rose. At least she was camped out with the most awesome man left on Earth. I did hope to see Martha’s enormously handsome fiance, but with all the other participants, it’s ok. Jack kissing Ianto and Gwen like a protective dad, Sarah Jane in tears, Rose in tears…all at EXTERMINATE. Gawd, it was so well handled by all. Ladies and Gentleman, we are at war! Gah!

Super Spoiler Ahead….STOP READING NOW

I have to admit–the Rose/Doctor moment had me in major tears. About halfway through the scene, I knew it wouldn’t end well, but I figured it was Rose who was going to be exterminated. Regeneration?!? I can only hope my dreams have been answered! Fandom, as a whole, will be crushed, but OMFG!!!!!!!! Is it true?!? Can The Doctor stop a regeneration once it has begun? He can’t regenerate back into the same looking body, right? A new Doctor–next week! Maybe. Even if we stay with Ten, I won’t mind at this point. [/cut]

I’m :love: this show. :nod:

Bad Wolf, BAD WOLF!

[cut text=”The whole damned thing has to be cut for spoilers”]
Holy hell. First thing, I KNEW that was Chantho from last year’s Utopia. IMDB didn’t even have it listed yet, but I knew it. Yup. Donna is so greater than Rose. Yup. Rose, or rather Billie Piper sounds like she has a mouth full of false teeth and they’re slipping out constantly. It nearly made me gag just hearing her speak. Donna’s grandfather had the most moving scene I’ve seen in a long time. Oh, sheesh, I was crying. Anyway… Sarah Jane! Those kids she runs around with! Torchwood! Martha! All dead, but still…yay continuity!

Next week? OMFG. Just the preview alone is worth a thousand viewings. All of the above, ALIVE! Whoo! The Doctor at the end of this episode? Finally his manic side WORKS. It looks like they have REALLY pulled out all the stops for the finale and I.CANNOT.WAIT! 😮 [/cut]