Tag Archives: Sean Bean

Top 5

Taken from : What five celebrities would you fool around with, provided your partner had a similar list? If you’re single you can still respond since this is purely hypothetical.. Mind you, I said celebrities, not the characters they played. I will allow Time Warp Substitutions, though. Also if you’re bisexual you don’t get to make a separate list for either gender. Five and only five. It’s kinda stoopid but if you’ve read this far you must be REALLY bored so you may as well do it.

1. Sean Bean

2. David Beckham

3. Hayden Christensen*

4. Eminem TWS. Simon Le Bon

5. David Wenham

*Shut UP! It’s my list. It’s not like any of the others would be so eager either!

I can’t believe how blond my list is.:eek:

Oh, so pretty

I just watched Alfie (2004) and all I can say is that Jude Law is the prettiest man alive. He doesn’t have the rugged, raw sex factor that Sean Bean has, but for the whole movie to be him talking into the camera and remaining mesmerizing, he’s got teh pretteh. :thud:
Now, if I can get a copy of i :love: huckabees, I’ll be a very happy girl