Tag Archives: Todd

Late Wishes

Happy Birthday, !! I’ve been tied up all day and just got a chance to post. It is today, right? Regardless, I just wanted to send all the best birthday wishes your way, even if I haven’t sent your gift your way. *oops*

Love you and miss you!

DC Saturday

pict0188.JPG Start out day by dressing Ben. Vultan costume rocks, but is torture to prepare. Looks amazing in the end! Put on Carter costume (basic compared to MANY costumes) and head down to the Walk of Fame (yes, again) because you can never see enough stars! Swoon over Cliff (yes, again). See Torri and Rachel. Wonder if 11 year old girls are impersonating them, as they are very tiny. Decide to save $40 since no pictures of or with them allowed. Hmmph. Loop around WoF some more. See what appears to be a tranny wearing a red strip of cloth covering gigantic boobs and crotch area. Learn it’s Lita. Snicker at Todd. Shudder inside. Go on promotional tour with Ben. Observe con-goers loving Ben’s costume. Watch Ben pose for pictures. Love it! After long while, break up and go to the hall for the next Stargate panel. In effort to reserve good seat for inevitably crowded SG panel, sit through AdultSwim panel. Feel confused. Finally, it’s time for SG panel with SG-1 AND SGA cast! Get thrown out. Wha?!? Forced to clear room. Feel cheated for sitting through previous panel for no reason. Sneak back in and get in second row anyway! Ha! Take much video and love listening to Torri beat herself up. Truly enjoy panel! Buy ticket to Virginia Hey’s Meditation Workshop and realize the need to purchase a longsleeved shirt. Go to exhibitor’s booth and buy Grima action figure for Fandom Room and really cool SG-1 longsleeved tee. Generally mill around and snoop out overyone.

Overall Saturday thoughts: I had an awesome time hanging out with Ben. He really got great response from the crowd and it made for tons of fun. I loved finding Jesse in time to see SG panel together. He finally saw why everyone loves Lorne :wink2: I didn’t really do much on Saturday other than the SG panel and IMing Di for hours. Yea 100th!

For astute readers of this site using the Up Front theme, the link to some of my Dragon*Con pictures is on the right sidebar.


My mom and sister-in-law have decided to hold a yard sale. Tomorrow. At my house. Ack! I just finished mowing the lawn while having two and a half heat strokes and getting a couple of things ready to sell. While searching for unwanted items, I found two pairs of kickass jeans that I couldn’t wear in my heavier days (I’ve been on WW again :wink2:). Yay! They’re practically new and not the cheap kind I’ve been wearing, so they feel great. Whoo hoo!

Most of the items I have are old VCR tapes. I’m only selling the tapes I bought, not the ones I taped. I still have all the Buffy eps on tape and it was great being transported back to the time they were made. Oh, and Todd, I really miss you. *sigh* Those were the days…

I’ve also gone blond again. I’ve been blond, but now I’m really blond. Damn you ANTM!

[Edit: Clean up on aisle Nar! I talked to Narayan today! He’s back in the country and current prediction puts him here, at my house, late next week. YAY!!!]