List O’ Ire

The list of “cool-kid recommended” things I think suck grows:

Joss Whedon in general
Emma Watson
EW’s constipated face
Blahttlestar Galcraptica

More soon, I’m sure 🙁

I just can’t get into some of them, and others I’m just over. Sucks to be me, eh?

Application Managed

It took almost two hours, but I got my loan application submitted today. Well, I have to have the homeowners sign something, then I’m off and running. I got a really low interest rate, so my payments are under $600! Tentative closing date is Oct. 26, 2005. Gah!

Captain, My Captain

*snerk* I saw Flightplan today and while it was exactly what I expected, it was so nice seeing Bean up there looking so frickin’ hot. I love his short hair and I wish he’d keep it so.

The trailers were all terrible–well, Casanova looked decent– but the ad for Season 2 LOST was great. Sawyer on the big screen? *guh*

Lady Luck Smiles

In the past two days I have decided on a house (one called Lake House because it overlooks a lake), been accepted to Marshall University’s School Counseling program to get my second master’s, driven to Greensboro and back* after finding my tax documents from 2002 (with only minor scrapes and bruises), and am fully ready to get my loan.


*I really wanted to see Todd and Cole, but I had to get there and back before the bank closed. I’ll be back soon 😉

ETA: The new Stargate: Atlantis credits are the best opening credits I’ve ever seen. Stunningly gorgeous!