Before I go to bed, I just wanted to share my ingenuity in a home decor matter. My downstairs bathroom came with FLORAL wallpaper border on solid colored walls. UGH. Since my downstairs bathroom is Asian inspired, I had a hard time finding something to cover the ugly border (I must cover it, since ripping it down would cost some deposit money). Anyway, I started thinking of alternatives….and A HA! I found a pic of my name written in shodo, so I made my own border on photo paper.

I did it. I finally got all of my stuff out of my old apartment. Well, the couch is still there, but Dwayne is going to take it away, which is fitting, since he was the one who gave me the piece of CRAP! I have two more BIG trips of things to get out of the car and into this apartment, then I get to drag all this crap upstairs, never to be used or seen until next time I move. *will never learn*