More evidence of my growing Conservativism

I listen to NPR on the way to work every morning. This morning, they did a piece on the Minnesota judicial system. In order for a defendant in MN to receive the services of a public defender, they must pay a fee. Misdemeanors typically cost the defendant around $50. Here’s the part that gets me: There are people that argue against it! They say that the indigent people cannot afford to pay the fee. Well, guess what I say to those people. Don’t commit crimes! I mean, sheesh, if you can’t pay the nominal fee, then maybe you should re-think the whole criminal activity thing.

I’m tired of working to support others’ poor decisions. I’m tired of supporting children that aren’t mine. I’m tired of paying for the defense of men and women that assault other people or choose to use/sell drugs. I’m even tired of “loaning” money to loved ones who don’t get off their ass to get a job and make their OWN money.

I hate working, and the least I should be able to do is decide where my money goes.