Annual Wrap-Up

I don’t know how, but once again my family has come through with an awesome array of gifts:

Life-sized Aragorn cutout
Gandalf the Grey 12″ figure
LOTR Movie Poster Calendar
LOTR Wall Calendar
LOTR Desk Calendar (2)
LOTR Planner, Date Book, Etc.
LOTR Interactive disc (PC)
LOTR Embroidered Throw
Bath/Spa products
Clue game (PC)
Harry Potter and the POA (DVD)
20+ pairs of winter socks
Recordable DVDs
Movie Ticket certificates
Macadoo’s certificates
Friends party pack
Amazingly soft olive sweater
Oreo canister with cookies
Electric toothbrush
Finally–Star Wars Trilogy (DVD) (2..ha!)

Merry Christmas to all! :holly:

8 thoughts on “Annual Wrap-Up”

  1. Oh! I got also Harry Potter, 2 LOTR desk caledars, and electric toothbrush! hee! :nod: What’s the LOTR Interactive disc? Is that a game? Sounds like you got it made this x-mas!

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