13 thoughts on “Sometimes it works…”

  1. Uh, Viktor Krum. If you’d read the books you’d know that’s the character’s name 😛 I don’t know the actor’s name.

  2. Yeah, and in the book, he’s described as almost neaderthal-ish. Duck footed and deformed nose and all kinds of brutish things.

  3. Hmmm….I guess I’m the dissenter. I’m not convinced of his hawtness. BUT he’s definitely too pretty to play Viktor. In the book I imagined him to be a little more blocky and not so GQ. They should cast ME…with shoulder pads….lots of shoulder pads!:lol:

  4. 😆 Flattery will get you a pan of home made lasagna and a smooch.:thud:

    To bad Ben’s marrying you. *sigh*

  5. hot damn! wouldn’t have expected that at all. I kinda stopped paying attention to the casting after they broke my heart with Lupin (See, I had this wild fantasy that Ewan McGregor was a real option for the role) heh. But wow… that’s a pretty Viktor. :drool:

  6. I had a different image of Lupin, too. I can’t think of an actor, but I know the look I was hoping to get. I wasn’t disappointed with the performance since I was too busy being disgusted with the entirety of POA.

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