
:bubbly: Welcome to the new/old site. I know there are plenty of bugs around, so if you see one, kindly let me know. Hope we enjoy our stay here at JennMiller.com!

9 thoughts on “Welcome!”

  1. You rock. You absolutely RAWK! I’m doing well …it’s a snow day! :cold: I was sorry to hear that your friend needs some convincing. Maybe after things get settled a bit more it’ll work itself out :nod:

  2. They love that’s all. They just fear the worst. It’s hard to put them in my shoes and try to have them feel how Ben makes me feel. I think you have some clue at what an AWESOME person he is. In time so will they. I don’t regret my choice. That means hanging out with you and getting to know a new friend….even if you WON’T marry me.:cry: Pssst…BTW, I’m the hawtest of us two! 😛 (tease)

  3. I’m here now, looks kinda the same but why mess with perfection?
    HA, I prolly look as bad as I feel right now even though I’m all freshly showered and squeaky clean

  4. There’s definitely a slower response time from the host, but it’ll just have to do. This frees up my database on ZeroMuch for, well, ZeroMuch 😛

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