Everything and more

With one episode left in Season 1, SGA has completely blown me away. I had sooo many thoughts during Ep. 19 of what was so great, but I can’t seem to recall them all at once. It was that fantastic. The two things I will say are non-spoilery. I :love: Teyla again. I really really do. I can’t explain it, but I do. McKay’s scream? Best.thing.ever. Oh, one more thing. The thing that happens near the end– I really didn’t think it would go like that. Damn.

3 thoughts on “Everything and more”

  1. Oh geez. I’m going to watch it in half an hour and you’re making me all nervous and stuff with the blown away thing. You :love: Teyla again? Not just “like”? I saw a spoilery pic and please tell me there’s no S/T shippy… umm… nevermind. I don’t want to know. I will wait. Even if it kills me.

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