Love Them!


1. Pick your 5 favorite OTPs
2. Find pictures and post them
3. Give the name of the OTP and what fandom they’re from
4. List your favorite moments between them
5. Tag 5 people from your flist to do this
1. Boromir/Aragorn

The Lord of the Rings
Most of my favorite moments happened in fanfiction, but in the films, the Council of Elrond and Boromir’s death scene are my favorites.
–cap taken from my vid, “Lost Cause”

2. Buffy/Angel

BtVS and AtS
My favorite moment was the one pictured in “I Will Remember You” *sigh*
–cap taken from my vid, “Fandom”

3. Sirius/Remus

Harry Potter series
Favorite moment? Movie: “This heart!” Book: All times together in OotP
–cap taken from ‘s vid, “Strangers”

4. Sheppard/Weir

Stargate: Atlantis
Favorite moment? “The Storm, Part 2” “Are you alright?” “No.” “You will be.”
As you can see, they haven’t had a lot of time together in the same frame…heh.
–caps taken from my vid, “99”

5. Sawyer/Kate

Favorite moment? “I never…”
–cap taken from my vid, “Best I Ever Had”

Everyone do this one!

2 thoughts on “Love Them!”

  1. I thought you might! :wink2: I almost used a cap from “Valentine” but I was too lazy to resize it!

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