Fun: Not Fun

I didn’t get to watch Firefly (as I had intended) last night. It’s Joss, so I should like it. SG-1 and SGA are great–mainly because they’re just so fun to watch, though SGA is miles ahead of SG-1 right now. Blahttlestar Galcraptica? Takes itself WAAAAAY to seriously. That show gets worse with every accidental scene I see. I really don’t see the appeal. The actors look like they HATE being on the show and it’s just so dry. Ugh.

I’m going to see The Island sometime this weekend. Boromir and Obi-Wan….yum!

3 thoughts on “Fun: Not Fun”

  1. SG-1 and SGA are great! I e-mailed you back and i have you a present! And i bought me an anakin shirt its hott:smoke:
    I will wear it when we hang out this coming week, I cant wait!!

  2. Pingback: special deals

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