
This is not a rumor, but Torchwood starts tomorrow, and I’m sure we’re all waiting to see what old Capt. Jack is going to have on his hands. I’m really excited about it, but at the same time, without The Doctor (you know which one), I’m not sure it will have the same punch as the last part of Series 1 of Doctor Who. Also not a rumor, I just found out that John Barrowman is gay in real life. Wow. No wonder his scenes with Nine were so awesome!

The rumor I read is that SGA returns to Canada as early as Monday to finish out the rest of Season 3. If this is true, then all I can really say is, “YIPPEE!!” I so hope it’s true because this will mean that I’ll be able to watch Sunday’s Torchwoods on Monday and Monday’s SGAs on Tuesday, and then my tolerance of stupidity at work will go up because I’ll have something to look forward to each day.



msfic.jpgWhy do people do things they know are bad for them? Like smoking, or overeating, or breaking down and reading a LOT of McShep stories? Ugh. I’m so disappointed with myself, but now I can’t stop.

Seriously, why? Sometimes, Ronon is there and I’m even MORE mad at myself for reading and those are the ones I think I like the best.

Monstrously Good Stuff

stash.jpgYou would think that getting a shipment from White Flower Lei would be enough of a great thing, but you’d be wrong. Having purchased the “Bliss” Soy Candle at Dragon*Con, I was confident I would also love the “Bliss” soap, also handmade by Virginia Hey. After experiencing the amazing meditation workshop by Virginia, I also purchased the “Chill” meditation CD. They arrived today with a lovely handwritten note from Virginia that I may just frame. Hee!

The next great thing happened when I realized that I had received not one, but TWO packages. and sure do know how to turn it out. OMG. No one is a bigger fan of Frankenstein that I am, and my guys are just remarkably great at picking out the perfect gifts. Starting in the upper left hand corner, I’ll describe: “Bliss” soap, “Chill” CD, Frankie cookie jar, Frankie “Trick or Treat” socks, handmade, extraordinarily clever card *loves*, and Frankie dish. (Not pictured because it’s already hanging up, is the cutest Frankie glass windchime in the world)! In no way do I deserve such wonderful things, but I just wanted to say to Ben and Jesse that “YOU ROCK!!”