It’s happened.

I’ve lost my damned mind. I’ve reactivated my eHarmony settings, but not my subscription. There’s absolutely no need for me to pay them money when I’m almost certain that there will be no matches found within a 30 miles radius (which is the farthest I’d go). If they can find a semi-suitable match, I’ll consider reactivating my account. Worst case scenario: I get matched up to some loser I already know. Yeah, I know that using a dating site makes me a loser, too, but even I have standards, low as they may be. The truth is, I don’t even know if I want to meet anyone. I’m certainly not going to put any effort into getting to know someone, and maybe I won’t even respond to any matches, but it would be nice to have someone around occasionally. Or not.

Damn you, Google and your manipulative ways of making me search for exes and finding out that they’re in happy relationships. Damn you to hell.

6 thoughts on “It’s happened.”

  1. Just to test the waters why not check out adultfriendfinder or yahoo personals. true, they tend to be sleazy but it’s awessome when you stumble on a cheesy ad posted by somebody you know. the giggles I get when I see one of them in real life is how I get through work sometimes.

  2. AFF is pretty much exactly what I *don’t* want. I don’t want someone who asks for sleaze on a whim. I don’t believe in the “matching ability” of eHarmony at all, but at least I’d know the person shelled out a little cash in some kind of effort to circumvent the “bar scene” people.

    We have a bunch of people from work on yahoo and it makes me want to vomit just thinking about them *shudders*.

  3. Right, I didn’t mean you actually use them to find somebody but more like a quick scan to compare raw numbers against eharmony’s results.
    There’s not a smiley face on here for “puke” is there?

  4. Yeah, but I *really* don’t want to think of anyone I know in that sense. It’s just too horrifying. The thing that got me contemplating all of this mess was that I read there was a small sci-fi convention here last weekend. Of course, I read about it AFTER it happened, but I thought maybe there may be some cool people around afterall. Again, or not. :clown:

  5. how did you find out about it? if it was in the paper maybe the article had organizers’ names or contact info.

  6. It was one of those “in other news…” statements on WVVA. They reported that “The one-day event at Bluefield State College had been a success. Now stay tuned for ‘The Tonight Show'” kind of things.

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