I *DID* Meet Him!

My first SG-1 vid!

Music: What If We Could

Music by: Blue October

Runtime: 4:02 Size: 21.8 MB

Download from ZeroMuch.com

I met Cliff Simon in September 2006 at Dragon*Con and wanted to make a Baal vid ever since. I always felt that deep down, in the absence of being a god, Baal wanted to be a member of SG-1. This vid is basically a daydream of Baal’s, upon realizing what Anubis has planned for the galaxy; he’s dreaming of all the “fun” he would have with SG-1 and what it could be like to be a member of the team.

There’s not a lot of snazzy editing, and there’s actually a lot less Baal footage than I thought there was. I guess I was confusing my dreams with reality again. Hee!

One Year Later

When I opened Fanvid-Recs.com, I had a handful of recs. One year later, there are nearly 140 vids representing 44 fandoms. Wow! The latest rec from the site was actually made by me and I want to rec it here as well. For fans of Farscape, The Charlie Daniels Band, or cool vids, “Scorpy Went Down to Georgia” is a frellin’ must-see. I keep looping it and finding more cool things each time.

Check it out, and rec a vid or two for the anniversary celebration!

Who’s Home Sick?

*points to self* I am! I have a bit of a cold and a lot of “the tired” so I took a day. So far, I’ve taken a nap and cleaned the house a little while mediating the kitty fights. I felt like I might need a day, so I took care of many things at work yesterday in preparation.
As boring as this day is, it feels great.

Better Halves (of the week)

bscap0116.jpgAfter a very busy week, I was able to watch Heroes today. I’m really enjoying this show and I hope everyone at home is watching, too. While this ep had only a couple of plotlines, it’s starting to show the divergence of the cast in pretty astounding ways. Next week is going to be even more terrific. *Be careful, Isaac!*

There’s pretty much no possible way that Micah can’t have some pretty great, if dormant, powers. Niki doesn’t really do anything for me as a character, but D.L. still has my love from S4 of BtVS and I was glad to see his *BAM* moment. Micah’s gotta have some supercool genes in there!

I’m still behind in this week’s schedule and haven’t even watched The Nine or ANTM yet, but Heroes makes up for all of the shortcomings (see below) of what I have watched. Almost. DAMMIT, Eko, I they need you!!