Christmas came TODAY!

boromir12.jpgSpamalot didn’t happen because something so wonderously magnificent happened instead. One of the students located a HUGE comic store in Times Square and thought I’d like to go, and was he right! This Boromir figure just jumped ahead of my Fellowship set as my favorite item in Fandom Room. I’m so in love with it I think I could die. I also scored two SG-1 Figures. I wish they had had a Carter, but I was able to pick up the Colonel O’Neill (better looking that General, and slightly more so than Black Ops O’Neill) and Jaffa Warrior Teal’c, who just looks amazing!

Yes, it’s been a good day in NYC afterall. I’ll be home this time tomorrow, and I’m actually ready to get home ASAP.

I want to see Ben and Jesse (hopefully) on their way home from Dollywood and now that Coley is around, I want to talk to her some more, too! Shrader and I will need to hang out and, oh, you get the picture. :love:

4 thoughts on “Christmas came TODAY!”

  1. I want those action figures too from SG-1!

    Lucky ducky! :clap:

    Sorry we couldn’t stop. The weather was teh lame.

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