Greatest Song EVER

It’s been over two decades since Band Aid’s masterful Christmas song “Do They Know It’s Christmas” was released. It’s been nearly that long since I saw the video. Today, however, it all came flooding back to me while looking for holiday songs to burn to disc for Jamie.

I remember the pure, unadulterated (or was it adulterated?!?) glee I had watching the video trying to spot Simon Le Bon. I remember being disappointed that Simon didn’t have more lines and thinking that Boy George sure got a lot of play. I remember taping the music video on grainy VCR tapes and watching until the tapes damn near disintegrated. It really was all about Duran Duran in those days. Some days, it still is.

Today, even though it’s been decades, I found myself singing along, using the singers’ characteristics, from Simon’s throatiness, to Boy George’s effeminate offerings, to Sting’s clipped singing of “bitter sting of tears”. I then, on the bell rings, actually made the bell ringing motion in the air. You KNOW what I mean, because some of you do it, too. I know you do. I think Hobbit made a couple bell rings herself, and Istar is kind of dancing around to the tune just now. :elf:

I think I’ll head over to Hell YouTube and see if I can find a video of it.

9 thoughts on “Greatest Song EVER”

  1. HA, I have it on vinyl. I should dig it out and use to decorate. :elf:
    Be careful on youtube – there have been two projects calling themselves “band-aid” since the original and their versions are highly terrible. :nonono: A couple regular bands have covered it decently, though.

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