Everything You Know

As a child, an animated version of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe scarred me horribly. I was devastated beyond belief, so much so, that I blocked it from my mind and remembered nothing except a good lion was shaved and killed in a most degrading and horrific manner.

Because of the trauma, I suppose, I never knew anything about Prince Caspian. The trailer for the movie is out and I have to admit that I am excited about it. It looks like something I may just love. However, if anyone is familiar with the story and knows of any more lion death, please let me know so I won’t watch or read. I can’t take that kind of trauma again. Thanks.

5 thoughts on “Everything You Know”

  1. You and I should go watch it when it comes out, We need to get together since we are back in WV now 🙂
    Wanna go watch the new Batman to?

  2. I wouldn’t think so. Keeping with the Aslan/Jesus thing – since Aslan has already died and come back it won’t happen again. If it does Wikipedia didn’t mention it.

  3. hey jenn! i am soooooo sorry we don’t get to talk, but i think about you and hope you are doing ok. we are throwing christian a b/day party on march 15th at 1:00 and you are invited. i couldn’t find your e-mail address because we had to buy a new computer, so if you would rather e-mail your e-mail addy i will send an invitation that way. talk to you later. 🙂

  4. Hey, Coley! I can’t believe how much time has passed. You can count me in (weather permitting)! If you want to email me you can at jenn @ zeromuch . com 🙂

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